Donations to DistroWatch | DistroWatch strives to be a useful resource for the open source community, particularly for people who use Linux- and BSD-based operating systems. We provide many services, including seeding torrents, sharing security advisories, posting distribution-related news stories, providing tips and tricks, answering questions, storing distribution signing keys, hosting reviews and making it easy to search for specific features.
We enjoy doing these things and yet must acknowledge that maintaining these resources takes a good deal of time along with some money. Advertising covers some of our costs, but we also appreciate it when people sponsor us or send us donations to help keep DistroWatch running.
What does the money go toward? A part of the donations we receive goes toward maintaining our servers (a web server and a torrent host). The more donations we receive the more torrents we can afford to seed for open source projects. Each week we publish reviews and either offer tips or answer questions. To keep our content fresh we like to pay writers to create new distribution reviews for us and your donations help us do that. As working on the site takes a good deal of time, we need to balance working on DistroWatch with doing other jobs and donations to this site mean we can spend more time updating the site and working on new features.
Money we have left over at the end of the month can be put toward the DistroWatch Donations Programme where we gift open source projects with funds. We try to help smaller projects which provide useful software, but do not have large sources of income like Mozilla or The Linux Foundation do. We could not run this website without open source software and we feel it is important to give back.
If you can assist us with our ongoing work we appreciate any help you can offer. If you would like to sponsor us, please visit our advertising page. Thank you.
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